Since 1982 the British Warm-Blood Society, now the Warmblood Breeders Studbook - UK, has been operating a Mare Grading scheme and the Mare Grading forms part of the WBS-UK Breed Show. Competition Pony Mares are also accepted for grading. Height restrictions mentioned in each stud book category do not apply to pony mares and entries can be any height up to 15hh. The stud book section they enter will be classed in the same way as our warm-blood mares described below. The introduction of the Mare Grading scheme means that only graded mares are eligible for the BWBS Stud Book, which has three separate sections as follows:
SELECT STUD BOOK MARES: must have three generations of fully pedigreed and graded warmblood parents(i.e. Pink Papers). They must score very highly in the grading and must be 15.3hh or above to qualify for this book. Imported mares already accredited with a State Premium, Verbands Premium, DH, Ster status etc do not need to be presented at WBS grading and may enter the WBS Select Stud Book automatically upon registration acceptance. Mares from the BHHS of full Elite status may also enter automatically on registration. Non BWBS/WBS mares will be overstamped and will be eligible for Select status on grading subject to meeting the above conditions and the recognition of their paperwork.Less than 10% of mares enter the Select Stud Book.
MAIN STUD BOOK MARES: must have at least one graded parent and a full verified pedigree for three generations on both sides ( i.e. pink or some white papered mares). They must reach a suitable standard at the grading. If warmbloods, they must be above 15hh whereas non warmblood mares of Thoroughbred, or Anglo-Arab origin must be at least 15.2hh. TBA Green Papered Mares with 3 full generations of BWBS recognized and verified pedigree are eligible for Main Stud Book. GSB Registered (TB) Mares of 3 years of age or older which are a minimum height of 15hh are eligible for Main Stud Book.
Weatherbys Registered (NTR) Mares of 3 years of age or older which are a minimum height of 15hh or more and have 3 full generations of BWBS recognized and verified pedigree may be eligible for Main Stud Book.
PERMANENT BREEDING REGISTER MARES: must have one graded and recognized parent. The other parent may be only partially known or completely blank. They must reach a suitable standard of conformation and movement. Minimum height is 15hh. White Papered Mares with complete pedigrees, but containing unrecognised/un-graded parentage are only eligible for the Permanent Breeding Register.
Contact: Mare Grading: Michelle Chambers - CLICK TO EMAIL Tel: 07923 153843.
Mares not eligible for WBS Grading may be eligible for the British Sports Horse Mare Inspection (see separate entry form).
All foals sired by WBS graded Stallions are eligible for registration and white papers, but mares only enter the Stud Book only after successfully attending Grading.
Since 1983 only foals with two graded parents and three full BWBS/WBS recognized generations can receive pink papers.Since 1986 foals conceived in the UK out of foreign graded mares not also graded into the BWBS/WBS Breeding Stud Book have been deemed to have un-graded dams and are therefore treated as such for pedigree purposes, grading etc. Some foreign mare are automatically eligible for entry into our Select Stud Book, while others must come forward for our grading before their progeny can receive pink papers. It is important to make sure your mare’s status is in order before applying for papers for her foal.
Mares Outside These Categories which are proven producers of horses competing at top National Level and above will occasionally be eligible for up-grading/re-assessment at the discretion of the BWBS committee.
The WBS reserve the right to refuse entry to a Stud Book if the paperwork is incorrect in any way. If any pedigree has been issued wrongly by the BWBS/WBS, the WBS will correct it an issue a new passport before entry into any Breeding Stud Book is completed.
There are mixed views about the pros and cons of Mare Testing. We have already a Star System for mares who participate in Sport but we wish to extend this system to top young mares who are destined for a breeding career and whose performance under the rider can be assessed as a three, four or five year old. This practice is well established on the continent and enables owners of valuable young mares to start breeding from their investment at the earliest opportunity but, in addition, ensures that prospective customers are able to understand the ridden paces and ride-ability of this future dam.
The mare performance test is in addition to the normal studbook inspection where marks are allocated for all aspects of type and conformation, paces and elasticity. The additional elements comprise loose jumping, a ridden exercise in groups of three or four under the normal rider and then a final ridden assessment by a test rider. In the jumping section marks are allocated for scope and technique, in the group ridden assessment marks are given for walk, trot, canter and ride-ability, and the test rider then gives a second score for ride-ability. The advantage of this format which, incidentally, is designed in the most horse sympathetic way, is that it gives additional exposure to jumping mares, it allows the canter to be assessed and it provides an indication as to the temperament and trainability of the horse.
All mares undertaking Performance Test must also be entered or have already undertaken Studbook Mare Grading. With the achievement of sufficient marks at the age of three, four, or five years, the mare will achieve her First Star status.
If you would like advice on preparation for this year’s mare performance tests please contact our Mare Grading Secretary.
BWBS/WBS graded mares which prove themselves in competition at the following levels will be awarded a ‘Star Quality’ on their pedigree as follows:-
All achievements must be by a suitable age and at a qualifying level.
The Grading Process
All mares presented for Grading will be assessed on the triangle for various points such as correctness, overline, fore legs, hind legs, walk, trot etc. and marked for each point on a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being excellent).
These marks and bloodlines of the mare will decide which section of the Stud Book she enters, or whether she fails. In addition, all mares appearing at Grading must have been measured for height, girth, bone using the veterinary certificate supplied to mare owners on receipt of the entry form.
Entry fees will be returned on mares failing the minimum height.
Why and How to Enter
The WBS stresses that a Warmblood mare greatly increases her value and that of her foals by being graded and encourages every owner of an un-graded Warmblood mare to send her to Grading along with any other eligible mares. An entry form for each category of mare accompanies these rules. When completed, this form should be returned along with the mare’s original papers or passport to the Mare Grading Secretary not later than three week prior to the Grading date.
Please note that the Bone, Height and Girth measurements may be taken by the owner and the owner’s signature is required on the entry form. The entry will be acknowledged automatically on receipt. Please do not send the Mare Grading entries to the Show Secretary’s address as they are dealt with by a separate office Times for individual and group assessment times will be given to the owners. Please ensure that contact information is available and correct. Email is preferred. Once the mare has completed the mare grading process, her official papers or passport will be stamped with the result and returned to the owner along with a set of her marks. This process usually takes approximately 6 weeks.
All Warm-Blood mares must be registered with the BWBS/WBS and have a WR number before entering the Mare Grading.
Please contact the administration office immediately if you need to register your mare prior to entering her for grading.
Please note that for reasons of time tabling and stabling accommodation, the total number of entries accepted for the WBS Mare Grading and the BSHR Mare Inspection together cannot exceed 70. it is therefore possible that a balloting out procedure will be used, which may apply to older mares without foals at foot, Warmblood mares without pure-bred pedigrees and/or thoroughbred mares.
Rules and Conditions of Entry - Mare Grading and Shows